I am at Safe Cabrillo Harbor Isle where the only SEABIN in San Diego is located! This is an excellent technology that reduces water pollution in the marina and in our oceans. Thanks to this bin, the marina not only has less trash but also less diesel since it also absorbs oil! This is a fantastic improvement towards cleaner waters!
How does it work? The bin suctions water driving all floating matter into the bin.
For more info visit their site: https://seabinproject.com
Our oceans have always been our priority as a brand, it is the reason why KIIN® exists, little by little we keep implementing new technologies in the creation of sustainable apparel. Sharing what other entities are doing to protect our oceans is something that we find it crucial as well, and that is why we created this blog.
Your purchases allow us to keep innovating and studing how to protect marine life. Our HEMP and BAMBOO tops are the perfect example of plant based innovations towards a better future.
In the photo I am wearing my favorite KIIN® HEMP blouse.